For Our Members
Meetings consist of:
Business Meeting: Review of membership numbers, treasure's report, upcoming programs, and committee updates.
Name Tag Drawing: This is to encourage members to make their own personal name tag. A number is drawn and matched to the sign-in sheet If the member is wearing their name tag, they pick a prize from the “goodie box”.
50/50 Drawing for Educational Scholarships: Tickets are available at the sign-in table, $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets. A drawing is held and the holder of the winning ticket receives 50% of the proceeds with the remainder going to the Educational Scholarship fund.
Show and Tell: This is the time we encourage members to show us a quilt-related project they have completed or have in progress, a bargain they found, or other projects you would like to share with the Guild.
Program: Each meeting features a program. The December meeting is the Holiday dinner.
Workshops and guest speakers are planned throughout the year
Quilt Show
The Guild holds a quilt show on odd years. Quilts are judged by the veiwers on the first day and ribbons are awarded on the second day. The event also includes a raffle quilt, area vendors, a Quilting Treasures Botique, raffle baskets, quilt appraisals, and bed turning. Lunch is available on-site.